eGov Reference Architecture
The e-Government Reference Architecture task force focuses its efforts towards establishing a common reference framework for adoption across government entities in India by understanding global best practices and tailoring them to suit the needs of India, with special focus on DIGITAL INDIA.
Need and Rationale
- Establish a common reference framework (a starter framework) for adoption across government entities (centre and states) in India in building their enterprise architectures.
- Provide impetus across the nation, in embracing an architectural approach to electronic / digital government and elevate them to the next level of maturity.
- Propagate architectural thinking across the government ecosystem, and set the stage for a nationwide government enterprise architecture.
- Blend good practices of other countries and jurisdictions, and tailor them to suit requirements and aspirations for India in India.
- Facilitate adoption of ‘Digital by default’ and ‘Cloud-First’ policy where governments make digital services the default channel for delivering services and interacting with people and organizations outside government.
Targeted Outcomes
- Success of Digital India Goals and Objectives – Provide a consistent view and accurate information within and across ministries and departments to support planning and decision making.
- Functional Integration – Facilitate and encourage interoperability within and across ministries, departments and between programs and enhanced services by the use of enterprise architecture standards.
- Authoritative Reference – Deliver an integrated, consistent view of strategic goals, business services and enabling technologies across the entire organisation, including programs, services, and systems.
- Resource Optimization – Provide a harmonized and consistent view of all types of resources in each functional area, program, and system area.
Scope and Coverage
- Strategy and Policy Reference Model (covers scope) –
- Performance Reference Model (Goals & metrics to be covered here) –
- Service Reference Model
- Security Reference Model
- Data Reference Model
- Application Reference Model
- Infrastructure Reference Model
- Governance Reference Model
- Integrated Methodology
- Funding and Procurement Guidelines
- Adoption Scenarios ( GI CLOUD, State Data Center, Smart City, Smart Village , eHealth, eEducation)
- A planned government transformation initiative which demands efficient coordination between strategies, policies, processes, services and organizational capacity to absorb change.
- A desire to enhance service delivery across the government in order to create services that are citizen-centric, cross-departmental, end-to-end and outcome based.
- A desire to rationalize data across the government to enable an integrated perspective, facilitate open data and transparency, and departmental collaboration and compatibility.
- A desire to coordinate all ICT initiatives under one umbrella to get a better holistic perspective, boost IT planning effectiveness and optimize costs and investments for better returns.
- A desire to implement and ICT enable government process reengineering to provide multi-channel service delivery in a manner that increases digital take-up and completion rates.
- A desire to ensure that government applications and systems provide end-users with information they need to make decisions and influence government operations.
- A desire to improve the execution capability of policies and other interventions to achieve better planning and anticipate budgetary impacts on the government and enabling ICT systems.
- A desire to adopt new and emerging technologies to augment government efficiency and thereby attract investments.
- A desire to craft an ecosystem for the digital economy to boost shared prosperity, by leveraging ICT for employment and growth.